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Lost days, pictures fade.
Sunday, July 11, 2010

>< I wanna update too. But I can't se lappy and it's hard to do it with iTouch. You wanna help me? ( to peiyee)

My duty SUCKS totally... My buddy is ok. :)

Xj said I rock naturally! ( on fb) YEAH! :D

I wanna watch strong heart! Got SJ and 2PM. X)

I've got a super big loli! In rainbow colours. I can't wait to eat it. Oh ya, and two bars of CRUNCHIE too! * drooling*

Candy!!! I want my special toast! Haha.

Didn't realise it's alr 11. Gonna sleep so. So pig sia.

Had a fun time ytd at Daniel korkor bdae buffer dinner. Had a nice chat and super fun time with Leroy korkor. XD

Let's end off here...

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Oh ya. I cut my hair. Hope I look the same! It's kinda shorter by quite alot. Anw, don't get shock and PlS don't laugh at me!

My new duty is late comin! Yeah! I'm super happy. It's the duty I always wanted. My buddy is Melanie. I hope she is a nice girl.

Thts all! I'll keep you all updated. :D



It's the last dae of holidae... SUCKS

I just finished my hw. Like FINALLY!

I'm damn tired. I'm havin panda eyes. Oh no... :(

Woke up early to cook lunch. Woke at ten, slept at five.

My cousin came round my house. He's like crazy. He thinks a Thai song is nice and keep makin us hear It. But the person who sing it is like damn ugly and nerd. Then he said that Korean stars are not good lookin. -.-"

I downloaded quite a few 2pm song. :D

Been smsin with ALIEN PEIYEE. She said... Nvm.

I'm sleepin soon. Gonna wake up early tmr.

I got SCI tmr. Sian lah. So asshole one.

To PY: WY and JS and JH are cuter then Nick. X)

I hope I'll be back soon.


Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Haha. I'm back! Like I promise. :)

T.O.P 's solo album track is out. Can check it out, it's called Turn It Up.

Anw, I was bored two weeks ago and I found a new passport picture. My passport is gonna be due next year, so I finally found my picture.

I'm so gonna use it. X)

I gettin back to school tmr for SCI. :(

Been busy with it for weeks. Tmr is full dress rehearsal. My mum gonna go and watch me and the exact day! XD

If you can see, the post is borin. As I'm usin ITouch to update.

Replying tags:

Py: He is not cute to me. Lol. Wooyoung and Junho is cuter.

Lusille?: sorry. Idk how spell ure name. UPDATED!!!

SX: Haha! SHIXIANG!!! :D

YQ: Its not dead alr. It's alive.

TPY x)
Tuesday, June 22, 2010


This is specially for you. Like u never crazy before.

U dare say you never crazy over Nickhun before?! Lol.

I update le lah. You happy?!



Finally back! I was lazy. Sorry.

Ok, so. What's goin on now is my hw is not done.

My latest addiction is 2PM. Thts the topic. Lol.

Ok, so now I'm crazy over Taec and JUNSU! XD

Thts all thts goin on.

I'll promise to be back soon. X)


Friday, February 19, 2010

Haiz... Todae was borin lah. Until the time when we stayed back.

Class Deco again...BORING LAH. Dont knoe they have this kind of stupid competition for wat. -.-

Waste MONEY$$$!!! Waste PRECIOUS TIME!!! And our effort, if we never win. Lame competition.

Stayed back todae for this rubbish.

First, we discuss in class. Caini keep interuptin me. Asshole. Act pro only. Like she very big liddat. B*t*h. Stayed back... Cn keep askin us go eat. Jh and Jun also. They scared she cry. CRYBABY SIA. Then they explain how she look when she told them to tell us[me and A] to go eat lunch. They keep sayin and repeatin. -.- Finally convince them to go eat first.

Opened up angbao paper us for CNY deco. See...We are reusin. I knoe im lame. Sry. Hahas.
Opened untill SingRui and Cn came, told them go eat first also.

After all of them came back, we went out of sch to buy all the material. The auntie at the shop sucks sia. Keep lookin at us, like we gonna stael her stuff liddat. Hahas, then Jh walk out of the stall. Say the auntie kb. She still ask us dont block her customer's way. WE LET HER EARN SIA!!! $10.50 SOMEMORE.

Walk back to sch, went with A to buy lunch. Bought wedges and Pizza. x)
A bought Golden Triangle- Egg one and Lemon Tee[I tink].

Went back to class, we tryin to aviod teachers along the way, cant smuggle. I throw A with everythin. Hahas. Like MAID liddat. Sry. :P Went back safetly. They started decoratin alr.
Soon things, we done. We had FUN along the way. Jh so pervert. Keep actin CUTE infront of ME! IDIOT.

Stick all the post it note on all the walls. Plus heart shapes, which we will be doin on Mon. Jh did all this. Thanks. The BIG Board was done by Jun, Cn and Sr. Thanks too. xD

Jun keep runnin away. Go see teacher play games, go play basketball and others. P'yee and Kat joined us at three. Went to buy drinks with A for P'yee, me and A. Was tryin to aviod the teachers again. -.- They jus finished their games. Esp, Ms Fairuzah. I HATE HER TTM. Scolded me durin Hist. Ask me dont copy, still ask if i knoe wats a green pen. _l_

We reuse every single thin we found, tht can be use. So kiasu. Hahas. My IDEA!!! Save the EARTH! :D

Auntie come then ask us leave the class before 5. Then still ask us to close window for her. -.-
When we were abt to leave, Jun was still not back. A and Kat went to look for him. He was playin soccer. They chase him like siao. All out of breath. When they came back, all the faces all so pale. Like wan die le. Then Jun told me they shoot him with rubber band. -.- Say they slap his face. LMAO! XD Cn and Sr was writin 'Joker' on the board. Jun saw, was shocked. Then i scared him, Say every Joker means ten mins waitin for him to be back. Then he counted 7 Joker. Means 1 hour and 10mins. Hahas. He believe.

He went to the window then the auntie was at the opposite block. He go wave at her. Then she look here, ask us to get out usin hand signal. Then Jun say NO in hand signal also. Everyone was laughin like CRAZY. Then we knoe the auntie will walk come soon. so we chiong everythin. Then chiong out of class. Hahas. We beat[is this how u spell?] her.

Was suppose to go home with him and A. Then in the end, he stayed backed ltr. -.- Cheat me...
Toke 811, then walk home from bus interchange. Brought Cousin on the way home, he is studyin at Kids Ville. He was super happy when he saw me. Lol. So cute. A tot he was cute too. He wanted to play at the playground, straight away, he ran thr. SUPER SPEED.

Waited for him for abt 10mins. I keep tellin him, come lets go home. He tell me IDW, i WAN PLAY. LoL. Saw my mum on the way home, she was drivin my uncle's lorry. Horn to me. Ask me go with her get smth. I keep shakin my head. Finnally she went away. LOL. I shake like siao, she cant see or smth. -.- Walk further down with A. She left at the basketball court thr. Cousin and me walk further down.

Finally reached home. So tired. I went to bath, hopin not to go down for dinner. Wore class tee. x) Force by mum to go down. NO CHOICE... Came home after tht, watch tv, brought grandma down to see doc. She got headache. Came home, bloggin until now. Thts all. :) TIRED!

Oh ya, Valerie and i complained to Amanda and Arina abt our sucky reccess duty. Mostly abt the lousy ICs. Amanda go scold them. HAHAS. Me and Valerie super happy lahs. We HIGH FIVE DONT KNOE HOW MANY TIMES. Idk wat they tink of us now. But idc. Anw one of the Ic dont like me. I can sense tht. So wat if she look angmoh. She speak Singlish like us. -.-

One of they malays in sec two sabo their fren. Told me tht the fren smugger from the pocket bbelow his bag. HAHA. They were not bluffin me. xD Prevenna check him, then she didnt find it. Then she told him, you can go. Then i chase after HIM, he tried to FOOL me. But im not so easily FOOL. I caught him. Luckil todae abt three Excos were down early. They did help us. Ok. Sry for such a long post. Thts all. Bye peeps. :D